Tag: RIN
RFS Set Rule: Considerations for Co-Digestion Webinar
In late June, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) released the long-awaited Set Rule final language for its Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Although the pathway for the generation of Renewable Identification Number (RIN) credits associated with renewable electricity and vehicle charging (eRINs) was removed, other highly significant changes impacting the biogas and renewable natural gas (RNG) industry were retained. One of those important changes includes RIN apportionment between D3 and D5 RINs whereby digesters can now continue to generate D3 RINs through biogas or RNG from wastewater or manure, and further generate D5 RINs through any additional biogas or RNG produced from accepting and co-digesting food waste. This effectively allows digesters to capture D3 RIN revenue that was not previously possible.
Learn more from the technical and regulatory experts at EcoEngineers on how your biogas and RNG projects can benefit from this newly implemented change.