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Carbon Capture Summit


Start Date:
Tuesday, Oct 15
End Date:
Wednesday, Oct 16

EcoEngineers Carbon Consultant James Nutaitis will be speaking on a panel for the 2024 Carbon Capture Summit in Houston, Texas hosted by Carbon Capture Summit USA.

More from the Summit organizer:

Welcome to Carbon Capture USA 2024, where industry leaders will meet to explore next-generation carbon capture, utilization, storage, and transportation that meets net-zero emissions targets.

Carbon dioxide levels in the earth’s atmosphere have risen to critical levels, and tackling climate change is one of the biggest global challenges requiring immediate action. This conference will spotlight cutting-edge CCUS technologies that transform carbon emissions into valuable resources, promoting a sustainable circular carbon economy.

Join us to discover transformative CCUS strategies, reduce your carbon footprint, and drive change in energy and industry for a sustainable future.



Carbon Capture Summit
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