Join Us: Life-Cycle Analysis Academy

Join Us: Life-Cycle Analysis Academy

A life-cycle analysis (LCA) is a systematic and comprehensive method for evaluating the environmental impact of a product, service, or system, from its inception to its end-of-life. Evolving climate regulations, shifting consumer preferences, and opportunities in voluntary carbon markets all have LCA as their foundation.

We designed the EcoEngineers LCA Academy to help our clients meet the ever-increasing demand for LCAs, while reducing their environmental impact and increasing profitability.

We hope you will join us for one of our upcoming programs:

  • June 25 – 26 in Des Moines, Iowa
  • September 4 – 5 in Houston, Texas

The LCA Academy provides a unique opportunity for industry leaders and practitioners across all sectors to gain insights from our expertise and make a significant impact in your field. The executive track offers a forum for influencing industry trends and regulations – and the practitioner track provides an immersive workshop to gain hands-on experience.

Why Attend an LCA Academy?

abstract brown and gray marble design
Understand LCA concepts, methodologies, and the role of LCA in environmental, social, and governance (ESG), compliance, and conservation
crystal clear sea
Gain a deeper understanding of the regulations that require LCA and drivers that are shaping the global marketplace
aerial view of a city center with buildings
Get hands-on experience in modeling LCA scores using leading technologies and ISO standards in our Practitioner Track
abstract view of antelope canyon in arizona
Gain insights and provide feedback in a roundtable focused on creating a consistent LCA approach in policies in our Executive Track









Link here to learn more and register:

For more information, please contact Stephanie Decker at

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